When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta One day a think meeting was convened in Rajprasad under the chairmanship of Dewan Bahadur Ki. Almost all the priests from Bangalore city attended this meeting. The idea of Vedanta started. The Panditgans came to the debate in support of various Vedanta views. With the desire to establish their own opinion, a lot of arguments broke out to prove the opinion of others as false - but even after spending a lot of time, people could not reach any theory. When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta Finally, at the request of Dewan Bahadur, Swamiji stood up and greeted the congregation with reverence. His goddess Lavanandamandamandha and bright giant eyes took possession of the heart of veteran scholar Pandit troupe in a short time. Swami ji proved by his uncommon tact in Sanskrit balanced with his natural melodious throat, that all the doubts of the d...
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