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Self confidence qoutes

Self confidence qoutes

What is self confidence

What is Self-Confidence, let's know this, one of the special things among the biggest people in the world is that you will see one thing common among them is that they are all very self-confident people, like I am you Tell about some of the top ranked people like

Self confidence qoutes
Self confidence qoutes

Self confidence of Bill Gates

Bill Gates started computer programming at just 14 years of age, he used to be so busy with computer programming that he failed in his 11th studies but he was confident that he would go much further than computer programming and today he is Microsoft He is the owner of the company and is the world's richest person, it was his self-confidence that took him so far if he was at that time Do not decide to Computer programming are not the owner of such a large programming company like Microsoft today nor he is the richest man in the world, It was his self-confidence the one who made him one of the greatest person in the world .


Self confidence of Arunima Sinha

Arunima Sinha, a woman player who lost her leg in a train accident, was thrown on the track by some goons after hitting her on the track. She lay there all night and one of her legs was completely damaged which was later cut by the doctor. Despite where there was no injection of anesthesia at the place where her operation was done, Arunima Sinha said that she should be operated because she knew It was said that if she could bear the pain all night, she could do it a little longer and they had to recover quickly, it would take 4 to 5 years for people to recover in such accidents, but with their self-confidence, they had only 2 years to recover & Climbing Everest and conquered it and she became the first handicapped female mountaineer in India and it was not only here that she stopped interestingly that she carried forward this process and she He also conquered the peaks of the other 5 continents, now his dream is to conquer the peak of the continent of Antarctica. This was possible only because he kept his confidence awake, it was his self-confidence that caused him to climb Mount Everest and on five peaks. He also conquered being crippled.


Self confidence of Mahatma Gandhi

 Think Mahatma Gandhi, who fought for freedom without arms and fought for non-violence, gave freedom to the country at a time when it was British rule. After the opposition of 1857, there was a wave of freedom in the whole country and people started opposing the British rule, but the way of opposing them was the violence, unlike Mahatma Gandhi at the time when the British rule was so cruel. Showing self-confidence, he decided to fight non-violence and while fighting non-violence, he united the people and stood against the British and slowed down. Gradually, he joined a large number of people with him and India became independent on 15 August 1947 on the basis of non-violence, all this was done only with the self-confidence of Mahatma Gandhi, if he did not trust his self-confidence, it would be possible, Could not be done.

Improve self confidence

There are many people in the world who walk on their own confidence, if they start counting the names of those people, it will take a lot of time, just understand that only your self-confidence can get you ahead and give success. If you lack confidence, then you can not do anything, so keep your spirits up and never let the self-confidence diminish because
" manzilen unhi ko milti hai, jinke hoslon me jaan hoti hai,
pankho se kuch nahi hota sahib,iraadon so udaan hoti hai. "
Thank you Anoop Kumar


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