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The chicken revenge,  REVENGE OF THE CHICKEN ,chicken,restaurants,chicken tikka,chicken tikka

My friend was sitting in the office doing his routine work that suddenly a very intense pain started in his stomach which was unbearable. He went to the doctor quickly and there were too many patients and he had to wait for a while, the doctor called him. Went to the doctor's cabin, was holding his stomach and was having a very painful pain in the stomach and he was absolutely upset at the rate.
THE CHICKEN REVENGE ,chicken,revenge,restaurant,restaurants,

 His problem was seen on his face. He was feeling good and he could not understand anything from the stomach which was hurting so fast, what to do, then he told the doctor all his agony, the doctor wrote him medicine and wrote medicine. He asked my friend why the pain is getting so much and why is it happening and since when has my friend been nervous after hearing so many questions and said in a very simple tone .

THE CHICKEN REVENGE ,chicken,revenge,restaurants,chicken tikka,chicken recipe

The pain has been happening for the last three-four days but it was not so much, but today this pain became unbearable, then the doctor asked what you had eaten, which is causing such intense pain in your stomach, my friend replied that At present, for four-five days, I do not feel like eating anything, but before that I went to eat grill chicken in a near by restaurant and had eaten the same, the doctor replied with a laugh that brother What is happening in your stomach is the "revenge of the chicken", now that chicken is going in your stomach and taking revenge on you till its revenge is complete,


you will not be well here and he wrote medicine and said that it should be eaten quickly. You will find my friend came home with medicine and ate the medicine and he got rest in the next one or two days. he will always remember the revenge of the chicken, even if he forgets the pain,

sometimes there are some incidents with us in which the pain is there but also becomes a part of the satire and we remember all our lives..



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