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Best Method to eat food

Best Method to eat food

Best Method to eat food,Right way to eat, best way to eat food, how to eat food, best way to eat food, healthy way to eat food, food, right way to eat, how to eat food, how to eat healthy food to stay healthy,healthy food tips,healthy habits,ways to eat food
Best Method to eat food

Best way to eat food

Most of the diseases nowadays are caused by our not proper drinking only and not eating properly, if we improve our daily habits and alter our habits, then we'll very rarely fall ill and it's also possible that we don't fall For this, you only should improve your eating and drinking methods, which i'm visiting tell.

Don't eat before exercise

1. First of all, don't eat anything and don't drink anything before you select physical work or yoga or gym. Yes, you'll be able to drink some water if needed.

How to eat food

2. Never eat or drink anything without hunger. you ought to eat only if you're hungry, eat that as per your food.

Eat less from hunger as you are

3. Always eat a bit but you're hungry at the time of your meal, your health are going to be good and if you are doing not come in during your meal then it'll be better and you drink water during the day. Must drink a minimum of 3 liters in winter and a minimum of 5 liters of water in summer.

Best method to eat food

Best way to eat food

Best Method to eat food,Right way to eat, best way to eat food, how to eat food, best way to eat food, healthy way to eat food, food, right way to eat, how to eat food, how to eat healthy food to stay healthy,healthy food tips,healthy habits,ways to eat food
Best Method to eat food

Healthy habbits to eat food

Use of juice or soup place of tea

4. once we have breakfast within the morning or evening, if we don't use tea at that point, then it'll be superb if you employ desi method instead. you'll be able to take gram soup, vegetable juice, tomato soup, or add juice to lukewarm water, it'll be superb for you and you may always feel agile. Will remain.

Use salads in food

5. More and more salads should be utilized in food. Because there's lots of fiber in salads, which helps us lots in our digestion. we should always also use fuselage more. because of having sufficient quantity of food within the stomach, the stomach starts to stay fine.

Ignore unhealthy food

6. If you would like to induce well soon, then for that you simply should use sugar, chaat, red chilli, garam masala, salt, sour and fried things very rarely. If possible, don't Coriander, cumin, turmeric, ginger, green chillies, rock salt, you'll be able to add in small amounts.

Best way to eat food

Best Method to eat food ,Right way to eat, best way to eat food, how to eat food, best way to eat food, healthy way to eat food, food, right way to eat, how to eat food, how to eat healthy food to stay healthy,healthy food tips,healthy habits,ways to eat food
Best Method to eat food

Do these things right after meal

7. Urination should be done after meals. Immediately subsequently sit in Vajrasana for a minimum of 5 minutes and if there's a complaint of gas, then put atiny low mmyrobalan within the mouth and suck it. With this, you may get diagnosed with gas problem and your food will be digested

Don't eat non-veg 

8. we should always be from non-vegetarian things like egg, meat, fish, alcohol, it contains very acidic and harmful substances which cause great harm to our body, we should always not take it


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