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Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?
Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?,about yoga,how to do fast,what is is fasting,benefit of fasting,how to do fasting,fast and yoga,relation between yoga and fasting,fasting and yoga, fasting is good for health,  Relations in yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?, Benefits of fasting, benefit of fasting, yoga and fasting, sit yourself with yoga, Lifestyle, # indiadiries, how to be healthy, health tips, yoga tips
Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

Yoga and fasting

According to Yoga sage Patanjali, fasting is additionally a yoga and within the olden times it absolutely was a typical practice to stay fasting nowadays people keep fasting in no time. Fasting is extremely beneficial for both our health and our confidence. and lots of diseases are cured from the foundation, we must keep fast, this is often also a awfully big yoga.

By the way, in India, many fasts are kept and particularly women keep fasting lots, but does the fasting she maintains within the right way, is that fasting right, let's also fathom fasting in yesteryear it absolutely was considered a type of medicine. If someone has stomach problem, he was advised to stay fast and his stomach would get absolutely right. lots of treatment are often done by fasting like this, allow us to know. there's such a lot power in fasting due to this, probably the culture of fasting women was adopted in India. because of which worship of God is additionally done and therefore the health of girls is additionally right, because fasting is admittedly very miraculous. Keeping fasting increases the boldness. Perhaps this is often why women in India are very confident and keep fast. .

 Relations between yoga and fasting, 

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?,about yoga,how to do fast,what is is fasting,benefit of fasting,how to do fasting,fast and yoga,relation between yoga and fasting,fasting and yoga, fasting is good for health,  Relations in yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?, Benefits of fasting, benefit of fasting, yoga and fasting, sit yourself with yoga, Lifestyle, # indiadiries, how to be healthy, health tips, yoga tips
Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

First of all, i'd wish to tell you what fasting is. Fasting is that the best thanks to burn all the disorders of the body. the best thanks to remain healthy is when the organic structure gets rest, the name of that state of rest is fast.

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and the way to fast?

Know when to fast or fast if there's a disturbance in food because of fast hunger or incontinence. As if we sometimes eat some half raw or eat food even after we are less or have to eat If you eat quite or consume some fried fried thing, then many diseases are caused by it. So to cure it, fasting may be a superb method by which we are able to heal our body and ourselves and take away such disorders from our body forever. this is often called tactful fasting.

i'd wish to say a 2 lines about this

Pressing medicine doesn't cure the disease.

Clever doctors cheat, why does one forget.

Constipation situation

If someone has suffered from any disturbance, then definitely attempt to understand this. Suppose you're in an exceedingly healthy state, have gone to a marriage procession or a disciple and have food disturbances or constipation or diarrhea. Have started coming

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and the way to fast?

So in this case you've got two paths

The first way is that this - in disorders caused by food disorders, which you appeal from some disease, indigestion or when or if loose motion is extremely prevalent nowadays otherwise you suppress it in natural medicine through medicine, in order that further The results of this is often that it emerges in an exceedingly more deadly form, as an example, the results of treating constipation by medication. within the future there is also gas, diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, constipation.

The second way is to destroy the disorder caused by food disturbances, like within the same way, it should be burnt in order that the old chestnut 'Naa bhein na bajegi flute' means there'll be no disorder within the body. . there'll be no disease. So in future he won't have any quite difficulty. This path or this method is named natural medicine. In this, panchamabhutas like soil therapy, water therapy, sunshine therapy, air therapy, fasting are extracted among the five medical methods of Prakrit therapy. Competent measure.

know what are the advantages of fasting or fasting?

Fasting has many benefits like i'm visiting tell you one by one.

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?,about yoga,how to do fast,what is is fasting,benefit of fasting,how to do fasting,fast and yoga,relation between yoga and fasting,fasting and yoga, fasting is good for health,  Relations in yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?, Benefits of fasting, benefit of fasting, yoga and fasting, sit yourself with yoga, Lifestyle, # indiadiries, how to be healthy, health tips, yoga tips
Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

 Let us know what are the benefits of fasting or fasting?

 Fasting has many benefits like I am going to tell you one by one.

1. By fasting, all the stomach systems start working properly - like stomach, liver (small intestine), big intestine, etc. It also gets relief. As a result, Jathargni, which is additionally called vitality, can burn the disorders of our body. because of which the diseases inside our body start to heal on their own, because of this, we must remain fast. a minimum of in the future in an exceedingly week must be fasting. With this, many diseases within the body are cured on their own and no disease is feasible.

 2. fasting increases the purity of blood -in the body. When we fast, our body parts start to destroy the disorders inside us very correctly. Because he does not have to do extra work to digest our food. At that time, he works to destroy the remaining disorders in our body. Because of which we start looking more healthy and beautiful.

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

3. Fasting increases the immunity - of the body too, it is because our bodyWhen we are fasting, he does not have to do the work that he has to do to digest food, due to which he does rest of the body, due to which the body's immunity increases.

4. Keeping fast get deseases away - If you fast or keep fast then you are very less likely to have some major diseases like obesity, sugar, heart disease, blood pressure which is also known as high blood pressure, low blood pressure, joint pain, asthma , Arthritis, the chances of such diseases are very low because our body's ability to fight against diseases increases very much and any diseases arise in our body. The apprehension is greatly reduced.

Relations between yoga and fasting, when and how to fast?

5.No need take tension about old age if you do fasting - If you keep fasting and fasting properly, then you do not need to worry about old age because the person who fasts does not have much effect on old age, he is always healthy and has the ability to fight diseases. Is also very high.


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