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What is diabetes its ayurvedic natural remedies

   What is diabetes and its ayurvedic and natural remedies
Diabetes, diabetes or glycosuria, diabetes mellitus It is the name of a single disease called sugar. There are two types of diabetes mellitus diabetes and diabetes insipidus diabetes mellitus. Identification of sugar in it, a large amount of body water comes out as urine, sugar is produced in the phagun, it starts coming out in excess with urine, due to which the nutrition of the body starts decreasing and this is called diabetes diabetes mellitus If there is frequent urination but there is no sugar or any other element in the urine, then it is called diabetes insipidus.
What is diabetes and its ayurvedic and natural remedies

 What is diabetes and its ayurvedic and natural remedies

Sugar diabetes is a disease that if one happens once, then it happens forever, it has to be avoided forever and many things have to be discarded, many times the sugar of people increases so much that they Insulin has to be injected, which is very painful. Sometimes it is also high, if sugar is high, then many types of diseases surround them, including heart disease and kidney disease. It is important that the patient of sugar often has a heart problem and there is a lot of possibility of kidney disease too. Sugar usually makes a person very weak and his immune system is very weak. .

what is diabetes and its ayurvedic and natural remedies

 If someone has diabetes and is suffering from a lot of trouble, then Ayurveda has a very good treatment for it and if a person can treat Ayurveda well then he can get diagnosed with sugar problem. But according to Ayurveda, he has to maintain his balance. According to this, food and other things have to be taken care of and many things have to be avoided. Some things have to be taken care of a lot in sugar, such as if the patients of sugar do not take balanced food then they may face very difficult difficulties, so they should always be avoided. They should stay away from fast food, fried roast and market items. They should take all those things in very small quantities and sweet things should also be used very little.

Let me tell you one thing that if you have to identify the sugar to what level you have sugar, then hba1c is tested for it, which is a very important test, in the case of sugar, it would have accurately identified the sugar. And it is also known that you have reached the level of sugar, you must do this test, if you have sugar problem or you have sugar.

 In Ayurveda, sugar is a very good treatment, and if a person does his treatment on the basis of Ayurveda then he can get rid of sugar or even diabetes, but he has to be very balanced.

 Let us know Ayurvedic and natural remedies to avoid sugar which is based on fruits, vegetables and common things living at home.

what is diabetes and its ayurvedic and natural remedies

1. Jamun is very dark but it is very tasty to eat and this black fruit has very high qualities, so much power that it increases the level of sugar by increasing the level of sugar easily. During the entire season, if you use berries everyday, then its sugar will be very balanced. Berries have the power to kill the sugar due to which they eliminate the disorders of diabetes in the body and due to this, the balance of sugar remains in the body.

2. Now you have learned about the quality of the berries, now I am going to tell you about the kernels inside the berries which is more beneficial than the berries. If the kernels of berries are dried in the shade and make their powder and take them with three to three grams of fresh water every morning and evening, then the disease of diabetes ie sugar disease will be cured forever.

3. Just like the berries and berries of berries, berries are also very effective if you have sugar and have been around for a long time, you can use it to eliminate sugar forever, four green and soft leaves of berries are plenty Grind finely, rub it in 60 grams of water and filter and drink it daily for 2 weeks in the morning, if the diabetes is relaxed, then after that, using it occasionally, your sugar will be gone forever.

4. Take a bit of fenugreek seeds and then soak it in water and soak it in water in the morning, dissolve it in the morning and filter it in cloth and it will be sweet and sweet for 40 days and will get rid of the disease forever.

5. Fenugreek is also very beneficial in the disease of sugar. If fenugreek is used properly, you will get rid of sugar disease very soon. Let us know the benefits of fenugreek in sugar. Grind 4 grams fenugreek seeds and soak them in water at night. Mix it well in the morning and filter it in a cloth, add sweetened without bean, drink it for 40 days. The disease of sugar will be cured slowly and soon you will get rid of this problem.

6. Amla also proves very beneficial in the disease of sugar and if both amla and berries are mixed then it becomes pleasant to sleep. Let us know that Ayurvedic and natural sugar is cured with dried gooseberry and berries kernels, dried alha berries kernels Make expensive powder by taking equal amount of both, taking 7 grams on an empty stomach daily in the morning with cow's milk or water, diabetes disease is cured. The treatment also remains and your immune system also becomes good.

7. Grind 10 pieces of black pepper and 5 pieces of fresh bell peppers as a coolness and sieve it. Drinking it in the morning every morning cures the disease of diabetes or 1 day medicine, prepare it daily and do not keep too much because it It gets spoiled very quickly, so it is beneficial for you to make it daily, it keeps the level of sugar balanced and a brighter one starts appearing in your body.

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