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Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

Chernobyl Accident

  Chernobyl Nuclear Accident You must have heard about the nuclear accident of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which during the Second World War America had dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, due to which Nagasaki and Hiroshima suffered very heavy losses to millions of people. It was lying there, this matter did not stop here because of the nuclear accident, there was a very bad effect on the people and the scene there is that Where people still live with some disease or are born crippled, you know about it well because we have had it in the books in childhood but very few people know about Chernobyl. There was a nuclear accident that caused millions of people to lose their lives and millions of people to be homeless. I am going to tell you about the Chernobyl accident.

Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

This was an incident that caused a lot of trouble in Russia, the thing is in 1986, when Russia used to be the Soviet Union, at that time nuclear weapons testing between Russia and America was going on, meanwhile this incident happened. It is believed to be the cause of this accident completely because it is considered a big mistake of the Russian government in this case, that the case was on 26 April 1986 at the nuclear plant The accident occurred in a phase located about 10 kilometers from the city of Pripayat in Russia.The plant had four reactors, of which the blast in reactor number 4 was caused by the Chernobyl employees not functioning properly and The attention of his high officials was not to be ignored. Friends, the reactor in Chernobyl was very old and very powerful and other reactants in its design There was something strange compared to the cutters, it was very old method and it did not work properly even though the plant was being run by the government knew this but it was not being given much attention to Chernobyl When the power and plutonium became hot in the nuclear plant, the temperature of the reactor was reduced by keeping the reactor under high pressure of cold water which required much cold water and had to supply it daily but 26 On April 1986, due to some reason the water in the reactor was not supplied properly, due to which the reactor became very hot after being under pressure and it is hot. Has burst.
Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

Chernobyl disaster cause

This happened entirely due to the fault of the employees of Chernobyl, as a result of this accident, Russis had to shut down all its nuclear ventures for some time because Russia was being very much disgraced all over the world. At the time of the explosion, 56 people were killed at the same time and later about 3 to 4000 people were confirmed dead by the Russian government, but some local people and some news people there According to the agencies, lakhs of people had lost their lives and about 360,000 people were sent to a safe place in this accident in 10 hours. It is said to be the biggest displacement in the displacement of any country. It is said that when this accident happened So Russia tried to hide the news of this accident from the rest of the world.

Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

When this accident took place, the atomic gas generated by the blast went to Belarus and the most damage was also caused to Belarus because the blown gas after Chernobyl was affecting Belarus the most.

Russia tried to hide the news of the blast from the world and he got the news from a sensor installed in a power plant located around 1100 km from Chernobyl and he told that there was a blast in Chernobyl and then the whole world came to know. The damage caused by this blast was very painful, millions of people have lost their lives and you must be surprised to know that today the city of Pipayot is absolutely deserted, the main reason for the explosion in Chernobyl is because friends If there was a blast, a lot of nuclear gas was generated in the atmosphere and due to which it was very difficult to stay there and even today it The city is deserted because it is very difficult to live there even today. .

Chernobyl-the nuclear disaster

No one live in chernobyl

Due to nuclear accident there has been a very bad effect on the soil and environment due to which people do not live there even today do not live around Chernobyl at all, and in the pripayat you will find people living in some houses but they are not regular, but they also live only occasionally, but you will also be surprised to know that you can go and visit Chernobyl and You can stay for some time, it will not harm you, some tourists go there and look at that plant and go around and you will be surprised to know that It will take about 20000 years for everything to become normal in Chernobyl, because plutonium and many nuclear elements have been found in the soil since the accident, which will take at least this much time to normalize, but in spite of that you Can go around Chernobyl and move around because the environment around there is not very much radiation, yes radiation is there but not so much as You can move there can ,  for some time not long time there to spend little time for here to go back later.

Friends, such a big city remains deserted, it has been almost 35 years since this accident is still empty.

Thank you Anoop Kumar


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