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When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta

When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta

When Swami Vivekananda ji explained Vedanta, when Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta, Swami ji, Swami Vivekananda, thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Vivekananda character, spiritual, Swami Vivekananda, thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Vivekananda character, Swami Vivekananda's nature, Character Stick of Swami Vivekananda, swami vivekand, swami vivekanand quotes, swami vivekanand thoughts, swami vivekananda life,vedanta
When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta

When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta

One day a think meeting was convened in Rajprasad under the chairmanship of Dewan Bahadur Ki. Almost all the priests from Bangalore city attended this meeting. The idea of ​​Vedanta started. The Panditgans came to the debate in support of various Vedanta views.

With the desire to establish their own opinion, a lot of arguments broke out to prove the opinion of others as false - but even after spending a lot of time, people could not reach any theory.

When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta

Finally, at the request of Dewan Bahadur, Swamiji stood up and greeted the congregation with reverence. His goddess Lavanandamandamandha and bright giant eyes took possession of the heart of veteran scholar Pandit troupe in a short time. Swami ji proved by his uncommon tact in Sanskrit balanced with his natural melodious throat, that all the doubts of the destroyer Vedanta are not contradictory, but are supportive of each other. Vedanta Shastra is not the sum of some philosophical promises, but a seeker is a group of powers realized in different situations of life. Therefore, to prove the truth of one, there is no need to confuse the other who seems to be against the above. Hearing Swami ji's new interpretation of Vedanta, the Pandit troupe present was amazed and started praising him in one voice.

When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta, 

One day in a conversation the Maharaja said, "Swami ji, I wish that if I could do something for you, it would be very good. You will not accept anything from me."

Swami ji described the current state of the country in his tour of India and said, "Our present need is to try to upgrade the economic and social status with the help of Western science. Only by crying and standing at the door of Europe residents And begging will not serve the purpose. Those people can teach us agriculture, crafts etc. with the current advanced scientific system. We will have to give them something in return for that. What else is available to India at this time apart from the only spiritual knowledge? So sometimes I wish to go to the western country for the liberal propagation of Vedanta. It is the duty of every Indian to wish for the welfare of the individual and for the welfare of the country in such a way that such an exchange can be established. Derivative powerful Rajnywarg if trying to look comfortable as it can be started. If you have this great task I look forward which is my only wish. "

When Swami Vivekananda explained Vedanta

 The Maharaja carefully listened to Swamiji and said, "Swamiji, if you go to propagate Hinduism in Western countries, I am ready to bear all the expenses in that regard." Even the king agreed to give them several thousand rupees at the same time. But Swamiji refused to take it, saying, "Maharaj, I have not yet been able to make a firm determination. I have resolved to travel from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari. I will not interfere in any other work till this Parivarthak fast is not done. Even after that, there is no determination as to what I will do, where I will go. "

Finally one day seeing the Swami Ji ready to depart, the Maharaja gifted him a variety of valuable liquors. On making a lot of request, Swamiji denied them all by taking a small thing as a memento of their friendship. Dewan Bahadur tried hard to keep a bundle of notes in Swamiji's small bundle, but could not succeed in that either. This made Dewan Bahadur very sad. Swami ji looked at him disgusted and said, "If it is so, then take a second class train ticket from Cochin to you.I. "Dewan Bahadur gave an identity card for the Diwan of Cochin State and said," Swami, please accept one of my requests. You will not take the trouble of walking. The Diwan of Cochin will make arrangements for you to reach Sri Rameshwar. "

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