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Domestic and Ayurvedic tips to prevent hyperacidity or acidity

Domestic and Ayurvedic tips to prevent hyperacidity or acidity

Home remedies for acidity or acidity, home remedies for hyper acidity, acidity, stomach irritation, throat irritation and chest irritation, Ayurvedic remedies for throat and stomach irritation, ayurvedic remedy for hyperacidity, home remedy for acidity and hyperacidity, health tips, health and fitness    Domestic and Ayurvedic tips to prevent hyperacidity or acidity
Domestic and Ayurvedic tips to prevent hyperacidity or acidity

One who has too much acid bile or complains of acid bile. Which we also call acid, there are many Ayurvedic methods for it so that you can get rid of them.

 Stomach diseases are such a disease that if the patient is always upset, if someone gets stomach disease, he always has to be upset and if someone is getting acid bile then he gets very upset because he do not feel like eating. He always has a burning sensation in his throat and chest and sour belching. Because of which the patient is always upset and does not even feel like eating anything. Making acid depends only on your food. If you eat good food then you will never get acid and if you eat fried or oily things and then you will complain of acid.

Domestic and Ayurvedic tips to prevent hyperacidity or acidity

In acid or acidity disease, the digestive power of the patient is very poor. Many types of diseases occur in the body. Tea is very harmful for this. Consumption of cloves is very good in this disease.

 Let us know the easy Ayurvedic and home remedies to get rid of hyperacidity.

1. Harad (myrrh) is a very good medicine, which is very beneficial in hyperacidity, finely grind 2 grams of small black myrabalan, add 2 grams of jaggery to it and drink its water after eating its mixture after the evening meal. Acidity will disappear within 1 week of eating it.

2. Clove is also very beneficial in hyperacidity. Acid bile is cured by taking 1 clove after a meal. Consuming cloves after eating both the times, you get rid of acidity. Clove juice has a lot of power. Clove provides strength to the action of gastric juice.

Domestic and Ayurvedic tips to prevent hyperacidity or acidity

3. Amla is also very beneficial for the stomach.If you take amla juice mixed with sugar then it can be very beneficial for this, after half an hour of eating, take two spoons of amla juice by adding the same amount of sugar. You will get it very soon.

4. Churning two bananas mixed with sugar and cardamom and eating it provides great benefit in acid bile and if you are having pain, it will prove beneficial.

5. Mixing 60 grams of white onion pieces in 30 grams of curd and taking it thrice daily does not cause acidity. By taking it continuously for a week, you will not be quick to hyperacidity.


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