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With the conclusion of the Deepotsav, preparations have started for Maha Chhata Dala Chhath of Lok Aastha. In the street, the traditional melodious songs of Chhath. Kailwa ji Farle Ghavad have been sung by Suga Mandarai, glass and bamboo's Bahngiya Bahngi Chalakat Jaay.


There will be faith and gaiety from home to ghat for four days from Kartik Shukla Chaturthi to Saptami. According to Pt. Diwakar Tripathi ‘Purvanchali’, Jyotishacharya of Utthan Astrology Institute, this time
 Chhath Mahaparva will start with
 Nahay-Khay on 31 October i.e. Thursday. Kharna on November 1 and Surya Shashthi will be the main festival on November 2. On this day, the devotees will offer Arghya to the setting sun. The festival will conclude with the offering of Arghya to the rising sun on November 3. Paran will be done on this day. Nahay-Khay Mahaparva will begin with Nahay-Khay on 31 October i.e. Thursday.

New chhath puja song: Listen to the songs of Khesari Lal Yadav's Chhath Maiya here
According to Jyotishacharya Pt Avadh Narayan Dwivedi, Bhadra will be held on Thursday, Chhath festival will begin on Saturday, October 31, on Kartik Shukla Paksha Chaturthi.

The finale will take place on Sunday, November 3. Bhadra is followed by 4:45 pm on Thursday.

Date of Chhat Mahaparva, 31 October, Thursday: Nahai-Khay
November 1, Friday: Kharna
November 2, Saturday: Arghya to the setting sun
November 3, Sunday: Arghya and Parana to the rising sun

On this day, the people take a bath after cleaning the house. We will eat Arva rice, gram lentils and pumpkin. According to tradition, fasting people do not sleep in bed till the fast is completed from this day. In order to make prasad from Kharna, the work of purifying wheat and rice in homes has started. The second phase of Kharna Mahaparva will be Nahay-Khay. It is on the first November i.e. Friday. On this day, fasting people eat food in the evening. It is a tradition to eat jaggery kheer in food. After the Arghya Kharna to the setting sun, the third main phase is the sun puja on Saturday i.e. November 2. On this day, all family members make offerings together. Also, the traditional songs of Chhath Maiya will echo the house-courtyard. The offerings will mainly include thekua, sugarcane, bada nivu, rice laddus, fruits etc. In the evening, the devotees decorating the offerings in the soup will offer Arghya with their family to the setting sun on the various ghats of Ganga-Yamuna. The last phase of Arghya Mahaparva to the rising sun is on November 3 i.e. Sunday. On this day, the devotees will arrive at the ghats with dalas at dawn. After worshiping at the altar installed on the ghat, after worshiping, standing in the water and offering it to the rising sun. Chhathvarti will perform parana after offering offerings to Lord Bhaskar.
Chhath Puja 2019: Chhath is the festival of reverence for the Sun God of the world, know the special things of this festival
Various programs will be held at the camp, rituals will be performed along with rituals on behalf of the committee at Sangam Nose. On 31st, there will be Surya call, Aditya heart source text and 108 times Surya Chalisa text. There will be a unbroken Ramayana text on November 1. Two will be singing the Mishra Bandhu in Bhojpuri evening and three will be distributed Bhajan Sandhya, Prasad.
Purvanchal Chhath Puja Committee has started preparations to give a grand look to the Chhath Mahaparva done by law at Sangam Nose. On Tuesday, Bhumi Pujan of the camp office was done with Vedic chant


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