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3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

Health tips, health and fitness, influenza, Influenza causes, influenza remedies, influenza definition, influenza meaning
3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

Influenza It is a type of targeted and highly spread disease. It occurs mostly in Jat season. Bacteria are the main cause of this disease. Symptoms of this disease are headache, eyelid pain, watery eyes and nose, chest pain, cough and body Breakdown is the main symptom of this.

When this disease is happening or spreading in the form of epidemic, then let us know the reasons for prevention.

Health tips, health and fitness, influenza, Influenza causes, influenza remedies, influenza definition, influenza meaning

 Number 1. When eating this disease, it is very beneficial to eat orange, why eat orange juice when there is a influenza of fluorising influenza. And drink only hot water when thirsty. By doing this, you get relief in this disease soon.
 Health tips, health and fitness, influenza, Influenza causes, influenza remedies, influenza definition, influenza meaning
3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

Health tips, health and fitness, influenza, Influenza causes, influenza remedies, influenza definition, influenza meaning

 3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza, 3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

 Number 2. Boiling both 3 grams celery and 3 grams cinnamon and drinking one water four times daily will soon show benefits and will help in influenza.

Health tips, health and fitness, influenza, Influenza causes, influenza remedies, influenza definition, influenza meaning

 3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza, 3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

Health tips, health and fitness, influenza, Influenza causes, influenza remedies, influenza definition, influenza meaning
3 surefire home and ayurvedic remedies to prevent influenza

Number 3. Drinking 30 grams of ginger juice mixed with two teaspoons of warm milk gives relief in cold and influenza. It causes excessive sweating in which the body should not be allowed to evaporate. Body pain etc. is also eliminated by using it.


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